
Gift Ideas for Dog Moms and Cat Ladies

Gift Ideas for Dog Moms and Cat Ladies

We’re nearing the end of the Dog Days of Summer. Do you know where this phrase originated? It dates back to ancient times when people believed that the sweltering heat of summer was linked to Sirius, the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, and from July 3rd to August 11th, it rises and sets with the sun during the hottest time of year. People believed this star was causing the extreme heat and making them (and their dogs!) mad and restless.

The humidity in Tennessee makes me feel this way too. I can’t walk my dogs or enjoy the summer sunshine as much as I did in places like Ohio and Massachusetts. But any phrase with the word dog in it makes me think about the joy and fun that our furry friends bring.

At Alison Rose Vintage, I’m lucky to have two of the best employees around. Let me introduce you to Shiloh, my Chief Cuteness Officer and Max, my Head of Security.

Shiloh Chief Cuteness Officer and Max Head of Security


Shiloh is a flat-coated retriever mix that I adopted from a shelter in Massachusetts seven years ago this month. She’s around 10 years old now and has been through a lot. She was given up at least twice, had puppies at one point, and I just discovered this year from x-rays that she’s been shot multiple times! POOR BABY!

She’s the cutest and sweetest girl and has made my life significantly better in countless ways. I adopted her just two months before I started Alison Rose Vintage so she’s been my Chief Cuteness Officer from the start!

She takes her job very seriously, always exceeding her daily cuteness quota. Whether it’s her adorable puppy eyes with little gray eyebrows, her tail wag, snort, or how she buries herself in pillows on my bed or the couch, she's always the cutest. She gets paid in lots of back scratches and belly rubs.

Max is a border collie lab mix that my parents got when he was a puppy nine years ago. He’s a bit ornery and reactive, but also a top watchdog.

Max became the Head of Security for Alison Rose Vintage nearly 4 years ago when I bought a house with my parents. His job includes patrolling the perimeter of our property and alerting me to any UPS, FedEx, and USPS carriers. He also does package inspection, sniffing every box to make sure it’s safe. He’s paid in treats and isn't afraid to ask for frequent raises!

I am so lucky and grateful to have these two by my side every day. They have inspired several of my creations, including these custom pet name prints that make great gifts.

Custom Max and Shiloh definition prints

Shiloh is chief cuteness officer, bunny chaser, needs endless pets and snuggles, never stops wagging her tail and is lovingly nicknamed LTP because she’s always late to the party (she waits to come see what’s going on because she doesn’t really care haha).

Max is head of security, watches and follows your every move, must have endless food and treats, and he’s daddy’s pretty boy (he’s very mopey when my Dad isn’t home).

My dogs always remind me to indulge in my favorite things and be a little goofy which inspired me to make this Live Life Like a Dog print that’s a customer favorite!

Live life like a dog print

New in my shop is this dog mom/lady print and card. A nod to me being a childless dog lady I guess. ;-) I also made cat lady prints and cards for all the cat lovers out there!

Dog mom and cat lady prints and cards

Dog and cat inspired gift ideas:

Cat definition print or card Cat lady print or card
Cat poem print Custom pet name print
Dog/cat loss card Dog definition print or card
Dog loss quote print Dog mom print or card
Dog walker card Live Like a Dog print
Dog quote print


Our furry friends are the best, aren’t they? Tell me about your pets in the comments! And share if you have any other pet parent gift ideas.

With love,

Alison Rose

Social media: @alisonrosevintage



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