
February 2025: 28 Days of Love & Kindness

February 2025: 28 Days of Love & Kindness

Welcome to 28 Days of Love and Kindness, a month-long celebration of love, kindness, and the power of small meaningful gestures.

In the past I’ve written a love note a day for 28 days. Last year, I expanded the idea for us to intentionally do one kind or meaningful thing each day in February.

I put together the 28 Days of Love and Kindness calendar below so you can follow along with me or make your own! The goal of this challenge is to be as thoughtful and kind as possible for 28 days straight.

Are you in?

28 Days of Love and Kindness calendar for February 2025

February 1st: Send a positive text message, email, or letter to 3 different people today. Let them know you’re thinking of them, how awesome they are, or how much they mean to you. Also maybe send them this 28 Days of Love & Kindness Calendar blog so they can participate too!

February 2nd: February is Black History Month. Take time to read or watch something about black history. Equal Justice Initiative has an “On This Day” calendar of racial injustices. Or consider planning a trip to an educational museum. I highly recommend the National Museum of African American History in Washington DC, National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, Georgia, and The Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama.

February 3rd: It’s time to schedule at least one doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off! An annual physical, pap smear, colonoscopy, cancer screening, eye exam, teeth cleaning—I’m sure you need at least one of these.

February 4th: Today is Thank a Mail Carrier Day so slip a thank you note (here’s a card specifically for a mail carrier) into your mailbox or tell them in person how much you appreciate their service.

February 5th: Invite someone to grab coffee, lunch, or dinner today or plan a future date that you can both look forward to.

February 6th: Tomorrow is National Send a Card to a Friend Day! Snail mail is a special pick-me-up that we all need. Write a message in a card for a friend and let them know how much they mean to you. If you need to stock up on cards, I suggest these 5 colorful compliment cards.

5 colorful compliment greeting cards

February 7th: February is also Heart Month and today is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about heart disease. Heart disease is still the number one killer of men and women. Heart attack and stroke symptoms for women can differ from men. Watch and share this short video for more information.

February 8th: Disconnect from the Internet for a day. I tried to pick a weekend for this, but feel free to swap this with any day that you know you can resist using the Internet for work or scrolling social media. Take a hike, read a book, journal, nap, organize a closet, color, play a game, meditate, or spend some dedicated time with family and friends.

February 9th: Sing or dance to your favorite song. Or dance during Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl half-time show tonight!

February 10th: It’s the start of a new week and instead of rushing into it, meditate for 10+ minutes. Meditation has many benefits. You can find videos on YouTube or download the Headspace app. Or just close your eyes and take some deep breaths for a few minutes. I also have a blog post with a few peaceful visualizations.

February 11th: Message an old friend. In the past couple of years, I’ve reconnected with a few very old friends I lost touch with. Send a text, email, or a letter to someone from high school, college, or a previous workplace. It might be the message they needed right now and maybe it will spark a connection again.

February 12th: Today is Hug Day. A simple hug can have a grand affect on your mood and general well-being. Hug your child, parent, neighbor, friend, colleague, or pet. And if you don’t have anyone to hug today, wrap your arms around a stuffed animal or soft pillow and take a few deep breaths.

February 13th: It’s Galentine’s Day, a day to celebrate all your gal pals. Send $5 to one of your girlfriends for their favorite treat or coffee drink. You can send money electronically or buy a gift card and mail it, or pay for the next person in line at your local coffee shop.

February 14th: It’s Valentine’s Day! Tell someone you love them today. Valentine’s Day dates alllll the way back to the 14th century or earlier so don’t fall for the line that it was just made up by greeting card companies. If you want to be entertained, read my blog post about the first mention of Valentine’s Day in one of Chaucer’s poems.

February 15th: Surprise a neighbor with a treat or small gift. Drop off a card, baked goods, a little bag of treats, or send a neighbor print or card from my shop.

February 16th: When writing a list of all the things you love, how long would it take you to name yourself? Today I encourage you to make a list of all the wonderful things that make you special. Maybe it’s the way you treat others, your smile, sense of humor, creativity, adventurous spirit, good taste in music… the list goes on and on. Tape the list on your mirror if you need a daily reminder.

February 17th: Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Do something kind for someone today. Pick something on this calendar to do again or choose one of these other ideas: send an encouraging card or email, offer to babysit or cook a meal, pay for someone’s groceries, volunteer at a local food pantry, or drop off blankets or food to an animal shelter.

February 18th: You have the power to save someone’s life. Become an organ or bone marrow donor. Indicate your wish to be an organ donor when applying for or renewing your driver’s license or by signing up at You can join the bone marrow donor registry or donate to the National Marrow Donor Program at

February 19th: Compliment someone—not their looks, but something special about them. Say something like: you are a gift, you inspire me, you give me hope, you are brave, your love feels like sunshine, you have the best laugh, you are a badass, etc. These are all cards in my shop too if you want to send a compliment card to someone.

February 20th: Volunteer or donate to a non-profit. If you’re not sure where to start, I found my longest volunteer opportunity on They have virtual opportunities too. Or donate money to your favorite non-profit. Here are some of the organizations I give to every month.

February 21st: Stretch for 15+ minutes today and try to add in at least 5 minutes of stretching to your daily routine moving forward (I desperately need to do this!).

February 22nd: It’s National Walking the Dog Day and even if you don’t have a dog, try to get outside and take at least a 20 minute walk. Fresh air can do wonders.

February 23rd: Clean and organize a room or drawer. Get a head start on Spring cleaning!

February 24th: Support a small business (bonus points if it’s a black owned business this month!). Do something special like leave a 5-star review, post about them on your social media, and/or buy one of their products.

February 25th: Share a good book or recipe with someone and include a note about why that book or recipe is special to you or why you wanted to share it with them. Here's a blog post about the best book I've ever read.

February 26th: National Letter to an Elder Day encourages everyone to write handwritten letters to elderly individuals as a way to show appreciation and combat loneliness among senior citizens. Call or write to an Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, or just someone who needs a little pick-me-up. I love writing and talking to my 100-year-old Great Aunt and I know it makes her day to hear from her loved ones.

February 27th: Write a thank you note to someone. In the spirit of love and kindness, I adore this quote card from R. Clift that says, “It is the kindness of your soul and the love within your heart that matter above all else.”

February 28th: Take time to celebrate or learn more about Ramadan. Ramadan is observed by Muslims as a time for fasting, prayer, reflection, and acts of charity and empathy toward others. Ramadan Mubarak means "have a blessed Ramadan" or Ramadan Kareem translates as "have a generous Ramadan.”

Thank you so much for joining me in this February challenge! Your commitment to spreading love and kindness will stretch far beyond these 28 days.

What other small gestures would you add? Comment below so we'll all have some future ideas. Until next time, keep radiating warmth and kindness, my friends! 🌈💕✨

With love,

Alison Rose

Social media: @alisonrosevintage


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